
Dive into the latest thinking on user experience research, created and compiled by our team of experienced consultants and research professionals. To discuss content collaboration or guest speaking opportunities, please contact us.
Measuring the ROI of Usability Testing

Measuring the ROI of Usability Testing

June 24, 2024

Understanding the basics of business—and how “the business” thinks—is a very important, rarely discussed skill for anyone in user research. And not to spoil it for you, but the primary concern for “the business” is MONEY: where it’s coming from, where it’s going, how it’s being used, and how it’s being saved. As researchers, we should aim to uncover money-saving (or money-generating) insights.…

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Incorporating Accessibility into Usability Testing Practices

Incorporating Accessibility into Usability Testing Practices

June 10, 2024

Ask most people the difference between usability testing and accessibility testing, and they won’t know what to tell you. Why would they? Most people just want products and websites to be easy to use and provide them with the desired outcome. They don’t need to know the ins and outs of how different testing methods unfold or why. …

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